Fix isset error in Hugo 2 version

I have setup automatic compiling and deploying of my blog using Travis.CI

Recently I encountered a strange issue, the blog compiles and runs fine in my system but the site doesn’t come up after a Travis build.

On investigation found this in the logs from Travis CI.

Deploying updates to GitHub...
Started building sites ...
ERROR 2017/03/25 02:31:30 .Page's Use RSSlink is deprecated and will be removed in Hugo 0.21. RSSLink.
ERROR 2017/03/25 02:31:30 partials/homepage.html template: partials/homepage.html:3:10: executing "partials/homepage.html" at <isset .Site.Params.s...>: error calling isset: unsupported type "invalid"

My local hugo from homebrew was v0.19 and the installation in Travis uses the latest hugo build

Turns out that there is a breaking change in hugo which affects the syntax of isset.

If we have a line of code where isset is use like this

{{ if isset .Site.Params.showBlogHeader true }}

It should be changed to

{{ if isset .Site.Params "showBlogHeader" }}

After making the change, to test, use the latest hugo

brew uninstall hugo
brew install hugo --HEAD

With these changes and testing the issue is fixed.

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