Setting up a new VPS server

These are the things I did to setup new VPS instances on Digital Ocean and ChicagoVPS Update the machine sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Set locales sudo locale-gen sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales add user sudo adduser tutysra # give sudo previliges sudo visudo tutysra ALL=(ALL) ALL Install Git sudo apt-get install git Install sun java sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer Install Tor for screen scrapping sudo apt-get install tor sudo /etc/init. [Read More]

Correlation between INR values of different currencies

Correlation between INR values of different currencies 2012-09-05 11:31 data clojure This is an interesting take away example from the class which Anand is teaching at NIAS. Here we are trying to correlate between the INR values of various currencies like AUD, CNY (Chinese Yen), EUR, GBP (Great Britain Pound), JPY, SGD, USD and find the positive or negative correlations. The focus is on data collection and transformation. [Read More]

Started blogging from a new place

I have been thinking about having a professional looking blog/space for some time. I noticed many people I follow on github maintaining a neat blog, I see that many of them use jekyll/ octopress and use github pages for hosting. I like the concept of static blogging and wanted to give it a try. I gone through the process and it looks neat and clean, create a github repo with your username and drop html pages into it and github takes care of serving them, damm simple. [Read More]