Spacemacs Ctrl-i fix

Spacemacs uses Ctlr+o to move backward to the last edited location and Ctrl+i to move foward after going back using Ctrl+o similar to Vim.

I found that Ctrl+o works but Ctrl+i doesn’t moves forward through the edit locations. I had the same issue in OSX/emacs 25.1 and in ubuntu/emacs25.1.

Searched the net and found this helpful issue page –

We have the troubleshooting steps there

(lookup-key evil-motion-state-map [C-i]) ;; should be evil-jump-forward
(display-graphic-p) ;; should be t
dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab ;; should be t
(lookup-key key-translation-map [?\C-i]) ;; should be spacemacs/translate-C-i

In my system dotspacemacs/user-configcemacs-distinguish-gui-tab is set as nil.

So, this is the issue. I set this variable in .spacemacs file and refreshed and I could use Ctrl+i to move forward through the links

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