Fix isset error in Hugo 2 version

I have setup automatic compiling and deploying of my blog using Travis.CI Recently I encountered a strange issue, the blog compiles and runs fine in my system but the site doesn’t come up after a Travis build. On investigation found this in the logs from Travis CI. Deploying updates to GitHub... Started building sites ... ERROR 2017/03/25 02:31:30 .Page's Use RSSlink is deprecated and will be removed in Hugo 0.21. RSSLink. [Read More]

Automating hugo blog deployment to github pages using travis-ci

Here are the steps I took to build and deploy my blog automatically using hugo and travis-ci to github pages I assume a hugo blog is already created and exist Create .travis.yml file in the project directory with the following contents Generate and encrypt github token create a access token in github as given here , this is for pushing the changes to the master branch of the user site install travis gem [Read More]