Themes and Extensions for Jupyter notebook

I am taking the wonderful course thought by Jermey Howard and Rachel. We use jupyter notebooks in classes and it is always nice to see how Jermey’s notebook looks. It has few tweaks like collapsible headings better tables and fonts Learnt that he uses a themes for the visual customizations and an extensions to allow collapsing of headers from his reply in forums The theme script can be installed from jupyter-themes repo [Read More]

Use Skipgrams with sklearn CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer

We don’t have an implementation for skipgrams in sklearn. This post covers how to use the skipgram function in nltk with sklearn’s CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer We are going to create a skipgram tokenizer that can be passed to the tokenizer parameter of the vectorizer. Create a basic tokenizer that can split the original strings to tokesn. Tokenizer can be just .split() or a function to filter non-alpahbets etc. We can use tokenizer as below [Read More]