Machine Learning Flashcards from Twitter -- Part 2 Data Analysis and Download

This is the analysis part where we do a small analysis to find Which are the most important/popular tweets Whether older materials covered important concepts than recent tweets Load the necessary libs %load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2 %matplotlib inline import pandas as pd pd.set_option("display.width", 150) import requests import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg from pathlib import Path Load csv df = pd.read_csv("chrisalbon_mlflashcards.csv") df['text'].fillna('', inplace=True)df. [Read More]

Machine Learning Flashcards from Twitter -- Part 1 Data Collection and Preprocessing

I was searching the net for mlflashcards, I found this incredible machine learning flashcard tweet series from Chris Albon. It looks pretty and covers a lot of ground, Got a thought – why not download them for later use? I thought it would be a fun exercise to start the weekend and jumped into action. Step 1 – Collect/Scrape data from twitter I evaluated using twitter api using tweetpy, but it has its own limitation aka we can search only a week worth of data which is not good for our use case. [Read More]

Themes and Extensions for Jupyter notebook

I am taking the wonderful course thought by Jermey Howard and Rachel. We use jupyter notebooks in classes and it is always nice to see how Jermey’s notebook looks. It has few tweaks like collapsible headings better tables and fonts Learnt that he uses a themes for the visual customizations and an extensions to allow collapsing of headers from his reply in forums The theme script can be installed from jupyter-themes repo [Read More]